who we are, what we believe
Peoples Church of Flint means it when we say we are an "open, welcoming and affirming" Christ community. We know all of us don't think the same way, aren't in the same place on our spiritual journeys, approach God in a variety of ways. Our “defining documents” include our Statement of Belief, our Mission statement and our “mission tagline” — Joyfully defiant for the sake of a just world. These, we believe, reflect our shared perspective and leave space for faith expression.
Plus one more…
In addition, Peoples Church of Flint leadership decided we were in need of a document, alongside our Mission Statement and Statement of Belief, that would further give direction to our theology, especially, but not exclusively, in the face of the devastation that is American political theatre. Our “Garland Declaration,” (linked below) is the result of a lot of conversation and soul-searching, and was adopted May 31, 2020.
Find the Garland Declaration here.
Read our Financial Guiding Principles here.
Read our Creation Justice Guiding Principles here.
Our mission
Peoples Church is a progressive Christian community,
nurturing faith, honesty and diversity,
where members and friends live Jesus' way of social justice.
Our Statement of belief
We believe in God.
God loves all people.
God is with us in life, in death, in life beyond death.
We are not alone.
We believe in the teachings of Jesus and in exemplifying His life.
We believe the Church is the faith of its people.
It is the responsibility of our church to promote within each individual
the Spirit of God and the teachings of Jesus.
The Church has a responsibility to the community and
our faith is a pattern for action.
We believe worship is expressed in many forms,
in prayer, music, and meditation, and
Spiritual development is a never ending process.
We believe in the dignity and uniqueness of each individual.
All individuals have the right to their own interpretation of religious faith;
By coming together in Christian fellowship, we renew our spiritual energy;
Our faith is demonstrated by a dynamic response to changing times.
We are an Open, Welcoming, and Affirming congregation
accepting into the full life and ministry of our church all persons,
including those of every race, culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, and economic status.
At Peoples Church our diversity strengthens our faith.
Our actions are a reflection of our Christian faith.