from our own Chef Courtney:
Join in on February 7 at 5pm for our monthly vegan cook-along! This month, we’ll be cooking up a plant-based shepherd’s pie. You’ll need a 9x13 baking dish (or something 2 quarts-ish), a large pot for boiling the potatoes, and a large saucepan to make the filling. Gather the following ingredients and we’ll make dinner together! (Non-cookers also welcome to join in for the sparkling conversation!)
· 3 pounds yukon gold potatoes, partially peeled (thoroughly washed)
· 3-4 Tbsp vegan butter
· Sea salt and black pepper (to taste)
· 1 Tbsp olive oil
· 1 medium onion (diced)
· 2 cloves garlic (minced)
· 2 Tbsp tomato paste (optional)
· 1 healthy pinch each sea salt and black pepper
· 1 1/2 cups uncooked brown or green lentils (rinsed and drained)
· 4 cups vegetable stock (DIY or store-bought)
· 2 tsp fresh thyme (or sub 1 tsp dried thyme per 2 tsp fresh)
· 1 10-ounce bag frozen mixed veggies: peas, carrots, green beans, and corn
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Meeting ID: 827 1842 8336