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Screwed Up Scripture I

  • Woodside Church PO Box 1109 / 503 Garland Street Flint, MI, 48501 (map)

This Thursday discussion group has finished one book and is pondering what’s next.

Meanwhile, we’ll spend May revisiting a series Deb taught a few years ago: “God Hates Fags — and other ways we screw up scripture.”

Want to understand those killer verses people like to quote? We’ll take ‘em on for 4 weeks.

No pre-reading is required, but there will be hand-outs! Never been part of this group before? You’re welcome to join in for one or more of these sessions. (You can even help us decide what to read next.)

Join in here: ttps://

Earlier Event: May 5
Art Journaling
Later Event: May 9
Adult Forum