Joyfully Defiant for the Sake of a Just World
A congregation of the United Church of Christ,
the Alliance of Baptists & the American Baptist Churches
“I came to you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling. My speech and proclamation were not with plausible words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom, but on the power of God.”
(I Corinthians 2:3-5, The New Revised Standard Version)
These words from the Apostle Paul to the church at Corinth are especially appropriate as the transition time for Peoples Church comes to its conclusion. Paul writes to the Corinthians because there is division and turmoil, part of which can be attributed to the reluctance of some to accept changes in leadership. They continue to hold on to the memory of “former pastors” who served there and who made a great impact on the church. Paul points out to them that he worked very hard to make sure that their faith was based not on “human wisdom” but on the power of God.
In the same way, it has been my goal to help Peoples Church to see that the power of God is at work among the people here, not because of my presence, but because of your faith and trust. A number of you have been very gracious in expressing to me your appreciation for my gifts as a pastor. For that I thank you, and want to tell you that even those things that are particular to my personality and style as a pastor must be credited to God’s power, through with all of us are gifted for ministry. We are always being challenged to use what God provides in our lives for the ministry of Christ’s Church.
Even more importantly, it is a central premise of the search process that the power of God works through the Search Committee and candidates alike to bring about the match that will allow the ministry to grow and bear fruit. So I invite you to watch and wait for God to do amazing things through this new partnership between all of you and Pastor Matthew. I am confident that these great things will come about, not because I know Pastor Matthew has gifts for ministry, not because I know the potential of Peoples Church, but because I know that your faith rests on the power of God. It is an exciting thing to know that you are poised on the edge of what Paul calls “a demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” It is what the Church has always proclaimed and tried to live out. But in order to see what God is doing, we have to discipline ourselves to look forward and release what has been. The ministry that is about to grow must be given the room to take its own shape and there are some things you can do to provide that room.
First, it is vitally important that Pastor Matthew be brought fully into the role that you are asking him to take. For that reason (and my own well-being) I will not consent to do any further pastoral functions at Peoples Church after Pastor Matthew begins his work here, including baptisms, weddings, funerals, or other functions in which people would perceive me as being their pastor. There will be appropriate occasions for our paths to cross again: church anniversaries, Conference and Association meetings, chance encounters at a Red Wings game. But I will not function as your pastor, so please save us the discomfort of declined invitations by not extending them!
Second, don’t expect your new pastor to fit any molds that are still in your minds as to what your pastor should be or do. The gifts for ministry are unique in every pastor and need to be cultivated in their own ways. The problem with old molds is that they are… well… moldy! They were right for their time and people, but now your pastor is bringing new gifts and you would be wise to exploit them!
Finally, don’t neglect your own gifts. Your pastor can’t do this on his own. None of them ever actually did. Peoples Church is a community of believers, working hard to live and proclaim the faith. It’s up to every one of you to do your thing.
I will appreciate hearing through the Peoples Press of all of the exploits of Peoples Church and will run into Pastor Matthew at church meetings. We will hold one another in our prayers and be united in Christian love, no matter where we are or what God gives us to do. May God bless our respective ministries and allow us all to be a part of the power of God at work. Amen.
Pastor Davis Sickelka, Interim Pastor
One of my favorite things to do while in the process of moving is “re-discovering” items that I had completely forgotten about. This is also one of the reasons that Travis does not allow me to linger while packing as I tend to lovingly “get in the way.” As we go through the boxes, I can’t help but hold items and reminisce about where or how we had gotten an item. I think the longest Travis had ever let me go on was about twenty minutes before he shooed me out the door.
The process of packing for us usually involves Travis holding up an item and asking, “Do we Keep or Let it go.” There is something cathartic for me about this process of packing, unpacking, and making space. As we move from box to box, I am reminded of all the “stuff” that we had been holding on to for one reason or another and consciously deciding on each item with the voice of Marie Kando “Does this bring me Joy.”
It is my belief that the first duty of a newly called pastor is to deeply listen and learn the stories, traditions and beliefs of the congregation and its members. This formative time in our covenant together allows us time to accomplish the relational work of packing, unpacking, and making space for moving forward in the ministry of Peoples Church.
It is my vision for us to plan several house meetings throughout our first year together. A house meeting is a small gathering that deepens relationships by creating a space for individuals to share their personal stories, skillsets, and motivations for joining Peoples Church. Along with house meetings, I want to know each of your personally. Do not be surprised if you receive a text/phone call about grabbing a cup of coffee or tea. I will also be setting some time aside once a week for “Coffee Shop Office Hours” in the community for anyone to stop by and have a conversation.
Now for some general housekeeping information, I would like each of you to add this phone number to your device or take note. My ministerial phone number is (860) 249-3576. In the case of pastoral emergencies such as birth, death, and hospitalization those line is 24/7 and please don’t hesitate to reach out as I would like to be with you either in spirit or physical presence during this moments. Please leave a detailed voicemail/text and I will return it asap. My office hours starting January 10th will typically be Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm with Friday and Saturday as Sabbath. Pastors Schedules as you know are unpredictable at times as well, so it will be best to reach out to the office just in case.
I look forward to seeing you again in the new year! Please keep Travis and I in your prayers as I will with each one of you.
Wild Blessings,
Pastor Matthew Hogue-Smith, Senior Minister