Joyfully Defiant for the Sake of a Just World
A congregation of the United Church of Christ,
the Alliance of Baptists & the American Baptist Churches
Give Me A Clean Heart
The Lenten season is a time of profound significance in the Christian calendar—a period of forty days set aside for prayer, fasting, and introspection as we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Easter.
The season of Lent challenges us with a commitment to deepen our understanding of God's transformative work in our lives and in the world. Lent is not simply a time of self-denial or ritual observance, but an opportunity for spiritual growth, renewal, and liberation. It is a journey of inner transformation, inviting us to confront our brokenness, acknowledge our need for grace, and embrace the promise of new life in Christ.
As we reflect on the themes of Lent through a sermon series entitled “Sustenance in Solidarity” let us recognize the interconnectedness of our faith with issues of justice, equity, and compassion. Lent calls us to embody the radical love of our Divine Creator in tangible ways, advocating for the marginalized, standing in solidarity with the oppressed, and working towards the healing and restoration of our communities.
Lent is a time of inclusivity and welcome, where all are invited to participate in the journey of faith regardless of background or belief. There are those who have been hurt by church but look for a spiritual refuge to heal during this season. Let us create space for diverse voices and experiences within our congregation, recognizing the richness and complexity of our shared humanity.
As we enter into this sacred season together, may we be guided by the Spirit, who leads us into deeper truth, greater love, and abundant life. Let us support one another on the journey, offering grace, compassion, and solidarity to all who seek to draw closer to God.
In the words of the prophet Isaiah, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me" (Psalm 51:10). May this Lenten season be a time of renewal and restoration for each of us, as we journey together towards the hope and promise of Easter.
Wild Blessings,
Rev. Matthew Hogue-Smith, Senior Minister
Extended Thanks...
"We are so grateful and a bit overwhelmed by the generosity of the Peoples Church congregation in supplying a "bonus" to Dave on the completion of his interim position there. It came to us in the form of gift cards to Home Depot and we are still trying to decide the best way to use them. As Dave has mentioned often in sermons and newsletters, our house is old and rehabbing it is an ongoing project. We hope to add a patio in the backyard and the pavers are not as cheap as we expected, so that is high on our list! We thank you for that, and for being a just and caring employer, and for making it possible for life-giving ministry to issue from your community of faith. God bless you all.”
Pastors Dave & Susan Sickelka
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Links are on the church calendar: Need more info? Just ask!
Adult Forum, meets at 9:30 am on Sundays. We’re currently reading The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017 by Rashid Khalidi. Join us either in person at church or just click HERE to join us virtually.
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