Joyfully Defiant for the Sake of a Just World
a congregation of the United Church of Christ, the Alliance of Baptists, and the American Baptist Churches
Maybe you've noticed that Woodside has been learning more and more about creation justice (environmental justice) in the past few years. Maybe you've noticed we've been paying attention to racial justice, too, and
economic justice.
There is a place where all of this comes together, a thing we can do that affects all of those and more. It is in "plant-based consumption."
Woodsiders are leaning into this in a variety of ways and at a range of paces. We've written a resolution for our denominations to embrace and learn more about this vital justice issue. The Michigan Conference UCC is avoiding the conversation (but we're still working on it); the American Baptist Churches of Metro Chicago has just formed a Prophetic Witness team, which I hope
will soon take up this cause.
The Alliance of Baptists is on our minds today.
The Alliance has expressed a willingness to put this before the member congregations at our annual meeting in April. Yay! Carla and I have said yes to Woodside's leadership in this outreach. Specifically, we want to create a very short video telling the Alliance what we are doing and how we are doing it, inviting others to take their own first steps, and encouraging the Alliance to adopt a statement encouraging this lifestyle change for justice.
For some folks, that means just trying new animal-free recipes and getting used to the idea. Others are taking steps toward becoming vegan or vegetarian. And some of us are almost fully vegan, having given up all meat, eggs and dairy products, and working to eliminate honey, beeswax, wool, leather, lanolin and other animal things. (It's a lot to think about, I know, and hard to get it 100 percent right, so we're all just taking it at our own pace.)
Are you in that range someplace? Thinking about it? Learning more? Experimenting? Embracing?
Yeah? Great! Would you like to be in our video? I'm thinking several folks with 20-30 second statements about what you're doing, why it matters and what benefits you experience from it.
If you can imagine participating in this, please email me! We have a deadline of mid-March, and this is an opportunity too good to miss.
With you on a justice road, — pastor deb
Zoom links are on the church calendar here. Need more info? Just ask!
Adult Forum, 9:30 am Sundays, by Zoom only, is reading Allan Boesak's Dare We Speak of Hope?: Searching for a Language of Life in Faith and Politics. Let us know if you need a book.
Thursday Evening Study Group, Thursdays 7-8:30 pm by Zoom only, continues our consideration of Brueggemann's Tenacious Solidarity: Biblical Provocations on Race, Religion, Climate, and the Economy.
Vigil for Racial Justice is still gathering 1-2 pm Thurs, on the Genesee Courthouse lawn. But only if the temp is above 20º.
Thinking about Lent & Easter worship. There are several special services in March and April that we're planning for right now!
If you want to read, pray, light a candle or participate in some other way, email Karen!
Worshipping in a COVID Time. For now, we're worshipping from home, but watch this space. As Omicron settles, we hope to invite folks into the sanctuary once again!
New Member Info Sessions. Thinking it's time to join Woodside? We'll have a series of sessions to help you figure it out, all the
Sundays in March, 1 pm, via Zoom. Register here.
Christmas Eve worship. We've learned that our Christmas Eve worship was removed from YouTube for "violations of community standards." While we figure out how we've offended, that worship video has been posted on our website. (Offending isn't always a bad thing, we know.)
BLM Flint needs support! If you can join this work for racial justice by financial gifts, you can send them to Woodside; if you have time to volunteer, let us hook you up.
Free COVID Tests. A 15-second sign-up will get 4 home tests delivered to your door. It's easy peasy. Use this link:
Woodside members meet via Zoom 2 pm Sun, Jan 30 to hear a final presentation and vote on a new name! Registration required. Sign up here.