Epiphany 2022
My dear Woodsiders:
Eight years ago, we said yes to each other and began the work of finding Woodside’s path for a new era. The work we have done together has been inspiring, exhausting, exhilarating and satisfying. Woodside, forever the First Baptist Church of Flint, and now to be “Peoples Church,” is well-positioned for another generation of joyful, spiritual defiance.
Throughout all this, Hannah and I have lived separate lives, doing our best to be family across too many miles.
It is time for a change.
There is a church in Colorado facing many of the same challenges that we have tackled here, and they and I believe we could do similarly affirming work together. They have called; I have said yes. Hannah and I will move to Denver together this spring, a great source of joy for us despite some fear and sadness.
Some of you may worry that my departure will break Woodside’s momentum, stalling or even undoing the work we’ve done. This is not so! One of the things I love about this congregation is your willingness to imagine, to be involved; you have learned to trust and to take risks together. There is stellar leadership here; the congregation is in good hands.
In a new member info session last year, someone asked what would become of Woodside if I left. Jamie responded, with no hesitation or anxiety: “We know who to call. We know what to do. We’ll be fine.” I was so gratified and proud to hear that confidence, as I have been so appreciative of Jamie’s organizational leadership these past couple of years. (I know she has one more eligible year to serve as Moderator, and I hope she will say yes!)
The board is strong; the staff is skilled. (And I am confident we will shortly have the admin seat filled.) The worship/tech team has grown in strength and clarity these past couple of COVID years and I have complete trust they will continue to lead this congregation in grace. All the other things will continue to fall into place.
We still have a bit of time together. (The board and I will figure out when my last Sunday will be.) There will be priorities to set, a future to see, transitions to arrange, emotions to feel, and memories to enjoy. There is also a new name to establish, a patio transformation to move forward (Peoples Plaza!), and other endings and beginnings to tend. There is time for all that.
For this moment, I want to give you my thanks.
When I came to Woodside, as with many of you, I was not sure about church, not sure about my life as a pastor. I was new in the UCC tradition and the Baptists were not even on my radar. You have helped me grow, helped reshape my faith in life-giving ways, made me a better preacher and taught me to have hope for the church again. You made a safe space for truth-telling and question-raising, and we are better followers of Jesus because of that.
So, thank you. My life is richer because you invited me to serve among you. Thank you.
Now let me remind you again of the StoryPeople art in my office, a piece called Awakening given me by board members during one of our first retreats together:
In those days, we finally chose to walk like giants
& hold the world in arms grown strong with love
& there may be many things we forget in the days to come,
but this will not be one of them.
I give you thanks for these eight years, and I commend to you the work of walking like giants: Joyfully defiant for the sake of a just world.
With deep love and abiding respect,
Pastor Deb