May 20, 2022



Joyfully Defiant for the Sake of a Just World

a congregation of the United Church of Christ, the Alliance of Baptists & the American Baptist Churches


Delegates to the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit held on October 24-27, 1991, in Washington DC, drafted and adopted seventeen principles of Environmental Justice. Since then, these Principles have served as the defining document for the growing grassroots movement for environmental justice. In this Peoples Press space, our
Creation Justice Team will be reviewing the 17 Principles, one at a time and offering some thoughts for meditation and reflection. The first principle is:

Environmental Justice affirms the sacredness of Mother Earth, ecological unity and the interdependence of all species, and the right to be free from ecological destruction.

Meditation: A promise was made in the first article for this space to not be crushed by the overwhelming immensity of the topic and to keep things focused and simple. How could this writer be more focused or less simple than simply saying, “Take a Walk!” Yes, the suggestion is offered with all seriousness. How can we act in behalf of Creation and as co-creators with our Creator unless we love with all our hearts both the Creation and our Creator. Our spirits need to be fed if we are not to burn out in the momentous work of advocacy.

Take a walk alone. Or take a walk with a friend or a company of companions. Do spend some time in silence along the way to enjoy the earth’s beauty and to notice the wounds delivered by humanity. Do not fear the ecstasy in the beauty nor the tears brought by nature’s wounds. Notice the birds’ songs and the croaks of the frogs, the clatter of bugs wings, the wrestling of
the leaves. The lap of waves and the stirring from the grasses moving.

Principle #1 points to the sacred nature of the universe, the oneness of the whole creation on earth and throughout the universe. Take a walk and be in touch with that sacred unity of which you are a part and from which you were made. That touch is all one needs to know the presence, love and mysterious wonder of the Creator. That touch is more powerful than either Heaven or Hell.

Kendall Brown for the Creation/Justice Team


This year’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for this coming Sunday, May 22nd at 12:30 pm.

Voting members can attend this event either in person or via Zoom. Please do all of what you can to arrive on time.

Zoom link:

Also, we invite you to stay after the meeting to paint the names of those who have lost their lives due to violence on the walls.


To help us understand what we as a community are looking for in our next pastor we ask that you take a few moments to fill out a survey ordering various competencies or qualities that are important in a church leader.

Please go to the link below where you will find 10 core competencies. They are all important, but we'd like to know what you think is most important as we look to the future of Peoples Church of Flint.

If you prefer to receive a paper survey, please contact Karla in the church office ( or 810-767-4911). You can also request one from the greeter on Sunday at church. If you return your survey by mail, please send it to:

PO Box 1109, Flint, MI 48501

Please submit your surveys by Monday, June 6, 2022. And thank you. Your input is valuable. Any questions? Ask Dee Johnson, Linda Angus, Adam Schmidt, Carol Higgins, or me.

Link to survey:

Carla Pierik, Chair, Search Committee


Hello Peoples People!

This Sunday, May 22nd, is our Annual Meeting. While we won’t have a Pastor at the helm for this meeting, we are in a bright spot. Each area of ministry is continuing to run smoothly. From book groups to The Peoples Plaza and everywhere in between, Peoples Church is in motion. If you are interested in becoming more involved in one of these activities, please check the calendar on our webpage or call the office. For weekly sermon information, please refer to the calendar on our website.

Jamie Schmidt, Moderator; 810-287-8308

Links are on the church calendar. Need more info? Just ask!

Adult Forum, 9:30 am Sundays, is reading Mariame Kaba's We Do This 'Til We Free Us: Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice. Join in by zoom or in person at church. And let us know if you need a book.

Thursday Evening Study Group begins again April 28, reading Diana Butler Bass’ A Peoples History of Chris tianity: the other side of the story. Books will shortly be on the welcome table at church. Need one shipped? Call the office!

Vigil for Racial Justice is still gathering 1-2 pm Thursdays on the Genesee Courthouse lawn. But only if the temp is above 20º.

New Text Alert System. We have shifted to a new text messaging service. If you're in our church directory, you're all set. If you're not, go to to sign up!