Joyfully Defiant for the Sake of a Just World
A congregation of the United Church of Christ, the Alliance of Baptists & the American Baptist Churches
Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
(Isaiah 43:18-19, The New Revised Standard Version )
I made a passing reference in my sermon a couple of weeks ago to something from Systems Theory called homeostasis. It’s a term borrowed from biology to describe what, for most living organisms is an important sign of life – the ability to self-regulate in order to maintain processes necessary for survival when the environment around them changes. We, for example, sweat when it is hot (like it is as I write this) and shiver when it is cold, (like it is forecast to be very soon!). Homeostasis describes the condition of being the same with regard to the life-functions that are essential for life. (homeo- as in the same and -stasis as in condition or state.)
In my work as an Interim Minister, I rely heavily on the principles of Systems Theory, one of which is that a community of people functions like an organism, seeking to maintain what is necessary for its continued existence. Congregations, being systems, try to maintain what is, even though it might not fit the environment in which it now exists. (We tend to be slow adopters as churches.) In biology, we understand that even the most primitive organisms respond to what happens around them, moving reflexively away from pain and discomfort and toward places of abundant food and a pain-free existence. Congregations also move away from pain and anxiety and seek something that looks like comfort. The problem is, our world changes and we sometimes experience that as pain. We expend an extraordinary amount of energy avoiding the pain with the result that we no longer know how to adapt. We only know how to avoid.
Homeostasis, you might remember, is very similar to another big Greek word – anastasis – meaning resurrection. It literally means, “returning to a former state or standing.” Oddly enough, in the study of systems made up of people, we have learned that the only way to adapt to a changing environment is to have the strength of self or identity to risk the discomfort of adaptation, or change, if you prefer.
Peoples Church has been through a lot of change, and there is more to come. I would understand completely if many of you were tired of it. You have given up a lot of what you thought was permanent. But what you are gaining from this is worth far more than what you had.
Isaiah reminded the people who rode out the exile in Babylon that what was new, what was coming, what was God’s plan for them, was infinitely more valuable than anything from their past that they had lost. For us in our time, the same holds true. We just have to have the faith and vision to see what God is doing. Amen.
Pastor Davis Sickelka, Interim Pastor
Thank You
My family and I would like to thank Peoples Church of Flint for the many expressions of sympathy and support upon the death of my mother, Darlene. More than that, I am very grateful for the freedom you gave me to be absent during Holy Week and Easter. While I did not think that I would need that much time to mourn, it turned out to be the very thing I did need. I thank the leadership of the church for their insight and experience in making it abundantly clear that I needed to be with family. It did occur to me that Mom died on the Monday of Holy Week to make sure I wasn’t too big for my britches, as she would have put it. I am fortunate to have landed in a faith community that makes compassion a priority. Pastor Dave
Pastor Dave’s Schedule for April Into May
Due to various meetings and family obligations, Pastor Dave will be in Flint on the following days:
Week of April 23: Tuesday and Wednesday
Week of April 30: Thursday and Friday
If you would like to make an appointment to speak to Pastor Dave in person, please call the church office at (810)767-4911 between 10:00 and 2:00 M-F, or email him at If you have an urgent need for pastoral care outside of office hours, text or phone (515)720-6389.
EARTH DAY – This Saturday April 22nd
There are several events planned to focus our attention on Earth Day
National Setting of the United Church of Christ, the United Church of Christ’s
Council for Climate Justice...
“What’s Possible? Earth Day Stories of Hope”…
Saturday April 22nd from 11am to 12pm online. With this program, the United Church of Christ will inaugurate an annual Earth Day summit to lift up, celebrate, and further ministries dedicated to caring for God’s creation. To see the agenda and to register, go to this site: If you are unable to join at the scheduled time, still register and a link to the recording will be sent to you following the event.
The Covenant Association of the Michigan Conference of the United Church of Christ Spring Meeting...
9:30 – 11:30a.m. via zoom. The Focus of the meeting will be: Environmental Action as Christian Service. Our own Rev. Kendal Brown will be preaching. His title is “Hope Will Never be Silent”. Sign up as Covenant Association and a lay delegate from Peoples Church of Flint. Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Spring Meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is having a 2.5 mile prayer hike at...
1:00 at Stepping Stone Falls, 5161 Branch Rd., Flint. There will be praying stations along the way around the theme of Earth Day and valuing water. Fellowship and snacks will be shared. Leashed dogs are welcome!
Leslie Cummings, for the Creation Justice Team
Good Things Happening in and around us
Kindred Spirit…
We are saddened to learn of the death of Sue Sugden, former member of Woodside Church. Arrangements are pending. Please keep the family in your prayers.
The Greeter’s Ministry…
Is asking for volunteers to greet before and during Sunday service and also online. Please add your name and contact information to the sign-up sheet located on the Greeter’s desk. If you have any questions, please see Karen Eaton. Thank you
The Search Committee is continuing its work...
We have received and read applications and discussed candidates and are making good progress. We are currently moving toward interviews probably in May. We are working on questions that we will ask the candidates, always keeping in mind what the congregation has told us is of importance to you. This search process as anticipated is long and we ask for your continued patience. Please keep the Search Committee in your prayers.
Linda Angus, Member of the Search Committee
Thursday night book group
Join us by clicking the adjacent link: Book Group Zoom Link:
Upcoming Affiliate & Community Activities
Wants to thank the generous funders and the diligent community partners that have come alongside MADE’s vision and goal of revitalizing Flint. MADE’s housing redevelopment project focuses on several properties in North Flint community to rebuild and expand housing availability for community members. One of the properties MADE is renovating will be used as a cultural hub and business innovator, but also provide additional office space to improve MADE’s services and programs for the Flint community. This redevelopment project is a $2 million project, and several funders are already invested to see a revitalized city and housing redevelopment for our Flint community. Additional support from volunteers, organizations, and community members is always greatly appreciated.
The Google Career Certificate Program is another segment of the community revitalization MADE Institute is striving for by improving opportunities for the justice impacted individuals and families, and other community members facing barriers to their economic, social, and educational goals. The Google Career Certificate Program is a self-paced, online program that trains learners in digital and business-related certificates such as IT Support, IT Support Automation, Data Analytics, Program Management, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce, and User (UX) Design.
MADE has access to up to 500 scholarships for participants interested and eager to develop their computer literacy and business skills. Each of the 6 certificates will take about 6 months to complete. For those interested in the Google Career Certificate Program, please refer to the link to get involved: Interest Form for Google Career Certificate Program - Google Forms
For more information or questions, please refer to the MADE Institute website at or call us at 810-835-8304.
Links are on the church calendar. Need more info? Just ask!
Links are on the church calendar: Need more info? Just ask!
Adult Forum, meets at 9:30 am on Sunday’s. Starting Sunday, March 19th we will be reading The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones. Join us either in person at church or via Zoom .
Vigil for Racial Justice is still gathering 1-2 pm Thursdays on the Genesee Courthouse lawn.
New Text Alert System. We have shifted to a new text messaging service. If you're in our church directory, you're all set. If you're not, go here to sign up!