August 11, 2023



Joyfully Defiant for the Sake of a Just World

A congregation of the United Church of Christ, the Alliance of Baptists & the American Baptist Churches


“Don’t you even fear God? We are only paying the price for what we have done, but this one has done nothing wrong!”

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your glory.”

   (Luke 23:40b-43, The Inclusive Bible)

His name was Kevin Wagner and August 23rd will mark the first anniversary of his death. He died on our plaza just outside the door of our main entrance. I realized recently that many of our members never knew about this, so I thought I ought to make you all aware of it.  He died of toxic levels of cocaine and fentanyl in his body – an overdose. His death, like most deaths of this type, was ruled an accident. We might quibble about that, assuming that he chose to put those substances in his own body, in effect taking his own life, or that someone laced his cocaine with the fentanyl, poisoning him with at least depraved indifference (I am a fan of Law & Order so I know these things). But for now, the ruling of the M.E. stands. Accidental Death…preventable for sure…but accidental.

 Kevin’s death was witnessed by people across the street and it upset them terribly. Death is  always hard to see, even when it is a “welcome” relief. Our neighbors saw it and some thought we should not have subjected them to it. That is understandable. It was also captured by our security cameras. So some of us saw it after the fact. It was hard for us to watch as well.

Luke preserves for us an exchange between two thieves and Jesus, all crucified together outside the gates of Jerusalem. One of the thieves derides Jesus, expecting that if he was who he claimed to be, he ought to stop their suffering and save them. The other thief intervenes, resigned to his fate and accepting responsibility for his own end. But then he adds something odd: “Remember me,” he says to Jesus, “When you come into your glory.” (Some translations say “Kingdom.”). It’s odd because Jesus is in the same predicament they are! He is hanging on a cross, about to die. Does the second thief believe in resurrection? Does he think God will swoop down and rescue Jesus? Why is it important that he be remembered, if not spared death?

 Culturally, most Jews of that time understood that being remembered was the same as continuing to live. That’s why oral versions of genealogy were incorporated into written scripture. The worst thing that could happen to a Jew was to die without anyone to remember them – to be “Cut off” from the community. Today, we do our remembering differently. We place headstones in cemeteries and we create monuments and endow scholarships, but most of us do hope, even if that hope is a little irrational, that we will be remembered.

So I’ve made a note to myself for August 23rd. I’ll probably step out onto the plaza for a few  moments and remember Kevin….someone I don’t think I even met….and I’ll probably say a  prayer and think about people struggling with addictions and with being without a place to sleep.

And I’ll be more attentive to the signs that Jesus is coming into his glory. Amen.

     Pastor Davis Sickelka, Interim Pastor 


 Pastor Dave’s Schedule for august

Pastor Dave will be in Flint on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the next couple of weeks, but will be out of town August 24-30 to attend a class reunion. Always call to make sure he’s around before coming because a pastor’s schedule is always in flux.

If you would like to make an appointment to speak to Pastor Dave in person, please call the church office at (810)767-4911 between 10:00 and 2:00 M-F, or email him at If you have an urgent need for pastoral care outside of office hours, text or phone (515)720-6389.


Good Things Happening in and around us

Michigan Conference Minister to Speak at Peoples Church of Flint

The Rev. Dr. Lillian Daniel  will speak at the regular service of worship at Peoples Church on this coming Sunday, August 13th. Rev. Dr. Daniel routinely visits and preaches at the worship services of the churches of the Michigan Conference of the United Church of Christ. Peoples Church is especially aware of the benefits of being connected to our denominations as we continue in the search process for our new minister. Please plan to be in attendance on this Sunday to hear a message of hope and inspiration.

 Pastor Search Committee Update...The search continues, even on lazy hot summer days!

We are actively reviewing resumes and Zooming with candidates. The process of discernment - finding a match between a Pastor and our congregation that allows both to grow and become something new - is hard and joyful at the same time.

We find ourselves challenged. We are learning, growing, and finding ways to be open so we can move forward with love and honesty as we journey together.

We are grateful for your support, prayers, and patience while we continue along this path to new beginnings.


 Upcoming Affiliate & Community Activities


Links are on the church calendar. Need more info? Just ask!

Links are on the church calendar: Need more info? Just ask!

NEW Adult Forum Book… Starting this Sunday, August 13th, at 9:30 am we will be reading           White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America, by Anthea D. Butler. . Join us either in person at church or via Zoom.

 Vigil for Racial Justice is still gathering 1-2 pm Thursdays on the Genesee Courthouse lawn.

Text Alerts are available, go here to sign up!