Joyfully Defiant for the Sake of a Just World
a congregation of the United Church of Christ, the Alliance of Baptists & the American Baptist Churches
“In the Word was life, and that life was humanity’s light – A Light that shines in the darkness, a Light that the darkness has never overtaken.” (John 1:4-5, The Inclusive Bible)
The symbol of light is rich with mythic import. It ranks right up there with water and earth as essential for human existence. Without it, we have a hard time finding our way, seeing the expressions on the faces of those we love, growing food, or taking in beauty. It all depends on light. It is so crucial to our identities, that virtually every culture has idolized its sources of light – sun, moon, stars, fire, and lightning, personifying their presence and panicking when they are unexpectedly absent.
There are some historical links to our celebration of Christmas and the celebration of Saturnalia in ancient Rome. But there is probably no more apt time of the year to remind one another of the coming of the Light that is God’s self-revelation. We need that reminder when the world is steadily losing light. Even with our modern understanding of the cosmological reasons for shorter days and the confidence that gives us that this is a normal cycle, and the longer days will return, on a primitive level, we worry that perhaps the light will fail us. The world certainly gives us reason to doubt. Human nature bears out the fear that maybe we will simply annihilate one another and God’s good creation will simply end.
One of my favorite Christmas Songs is I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, from the poem of the same name by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Written in 1863 during the American Civil War, it laments the downward spiral that humanity seems unable to avoid.
And in despair I bowed my head. There is no Peace on Earth, I said. For hate is strong and mocks the song of Peace on Earth, Goodwill to (all).
War and disease and disasters of all kinds, violence in streets and in homes, hate and greed seem to absorb more light than exists in the universe with no end in sight. But Longfellow comes to a hopeful position in spite of all evidence to the contrary:
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep. God is not dead nor doth (God) Sleep. The wrong shall fail, the right prevail with Peace on Earth, Goodwill to (all).
It is certainly possible to look at all of the examples of light being snuffed out and conclude that all is lost. We seem, as a species, to be hell-bent on our own extinction, and in the process will take other species with us. We argue about nonsense and ignore the most reasonable solutions to the problems we face. Generously, more eagerly about our work, and how you might support it. Think about what you have, not what you don’t have.
We are asking everyone to chip in a one-time gift to help us reach our budget needs for next year. An envelope will be coming to your household in the mail in We invest in enough guns and bombs and artillery to destroy several planets. But I hope this Christmas you will listen for the song. I hope the light will carry the day, at least where you are. And I hope you will not keep it to yourself. Amen.
Pastor Davis Sickelka, Interim Pastor
Get Involved! Legislative Action is Needed!
The Michigan National Guard is trying to expand its footprint on our public lands at Camp Grayling in Northern Michigan. The National Guard wants to expand the base’s current lease of 147,000 acres to 309,000 acres – more than doubling its current footprint. Camp Grayling has made no effort to show that such an overwhelming expansion is necessary.
This expansion of the military use of Michigan forests will cause an inevitable increase in environmental strain no matter the imitations imposed. From threats to endangered species, protected conservation areas, and important waterways to overall areas frequented by a host of wildlife and outdoor enthusiasts, all would be impacted by this expansion.
Right now, the Michigan DNR is reviewing the proposal for the expansion of DNR-leased lands and is currently taking public comment. You are needed to take action and send a message to the DNR asking them to deny the proposed expansion. To send a message click the link below:
Leslie Cummings, for The Creation/Justice Team
The Search Committee, met on Dec. 3, 2022 for a few hours of community and relationship building. In the effort to more fully enter into the process of finding a new pastor for Peoples Church. Starting with a time of meditation. We told some of our personal stories, listened to poetry and centered ourselves.
The remainder of the time together was spent discussing interview questions that will be used to guide our conversations with candidates. These questions address a broad series of concerns that we think need to be discussed with candidates as we progress through the process.
Since we have completed the Profile of Peoples Church, we have been receiving resumes from candidates and we are currently reviewing those resumes. The Search Committee is working diligently toward our common goal of finding the next pastor of Peoples Church of Flint.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Higgins, for the Search Committee
Building & Grounds…
As you may have noticed this fall, we have been busy working to maintain our building. The main area we have been concentrating on has been painting of the exterior structure. Which is now complete (Yessssss)! I wanted to thank the congregation for their financial support for the Peoples Plaza project and the volunteers who stepped up and provided their time and labor to complete it. This would not have been possible without your efforts.
We also had volunteers who dedicated their time and skills set to search out different financial and community grants. There have been two grants so far that were approved for the project, one from the Genesee County Land Bank and another from Community Foundation Greater Flint. Through these resources we were able to purchase, build and paint the furnishings in the Plaza area. If you haven’t taken the time to walk out and around the area to see what their efforts have accomplished, I encourage you to do so.
The winter months are upon us now, but we are so excited and looking forward to our plans for the spring and summer of 2023 for Peoples Plaza. Our vision for a community space is coming together. Thank you again to the volunteers and supporters that have brought this project along.
Thank you,
Dale Emery, Building & Grounds Committee Chair
Good do, Peoples People!!!
The church office recently received a thank you card from Sofia Del Valle, Development Coordinator for RIP Medical Debt. The card reads:
“Thank you so much for your recent donation to RIP Medical Debt and for becoming an important part of our community of compassionate change-makers! Your congregation’s gift is maximized to help purchase medical debt for families in need, helping them to work towards greater financial security.”
Again, good do, Peoples People!
Links are on the church calendar. Need more info? Just ask!
Links are on the church calendar: Need more info? Just ask!
Adult Forum, meets at 9:30 am on Sundays, We’re currently reading, Finding Me: A Memoir by Viola Davis. Join us either in person at church or via Zoom .
Vigil for Racial Justice is still gathering 1-2 pm Thursdays on the Genesee Courthouse lawn.
New Text Alert System. We have shifted to a new text messaging service. If you're in our church directory, you're all set. If you're not, go here to sign up!
American Baptist Church, Metropolitan Chicago Region
Save the Date: Family Council Meeting
January, 28, 2023
The American Baptist Church and the United Church of Christ have their Biennial Meetings this Summer. The General Synod of the UCC will meet in Indianapolis, IN June 30th through July 4th (delegates are chosen by the Michigan Conference) and the American Baptists have their Biennial Mission Summit in San Juan, Puerto Rico June 23rd through the 25th (Each church gets 2 delegates). Visitors are welcome at both meetings. People who attend these meetings typically report that the spiritual lift they get is amazing! If you would like to attend either (or both?!?!?!) of these meetings, please contact Pastor Dave for more details.