Joyfully Defiant for the Sake of a Just World
a congregation of the United Church of Christ, the Alliance of Baptists & the American Baptist Churches
“…Jesus said, ‘The truth is, this woman has put in more than all the rest. They made their contributions out of their surplus, but she from her want has given what she couldn’t afford – every penny she had to live on.” (Luke 21:3-4, The Inclusive Bible)
The story of the Widow’s Mite has long been a favorite of church folks. Jesus sits where he can see the temple treasury box and notes how the wealthy put in their gifts. Then a poor widow shows up with a couple of inconsequential coins and puts them in. He then values them more highly than all the other gifts combined. The reason given is that the gifts of the wealthy are what they don’t need. They are leftovers – disposable income that they might as well dispose of at the temple (church). The widow’s gift is what she couldn’t afford, meaning she would go without something essential because of her gift: food or shelter or clothing maybe.
As we collect pledges for the work of Peoples Church in 2023, it is tempting for those of us with a vested interest in the church’s financial health to leverage this story to get our donors to dig deeper. After all, if the widow in this story can go without food in order to make a gift, surely our church members can go without a latte or a new outfit or a new phone in order to give more to the church.
But if that is how we use this story, then I think we miss an important aspect of our stewardship. While it is important to follow the leading of the Spirit, which often prompts us to do something extravagant for others or for God, Jesus also makes it clear that we are to be deliberate in our decision making. Our stewardship (the management of what God has entrusted to us) is most effective when we give thought and consideration to what is most important to us and how we can best see that those important things are brought about. That doesn’t mean we can’t be generous, or give in a sacrificial way, but our approach must be realistic, or maybe we would use the word “sustainable.”
Sometimes the need is so great, or the cause is so important, that we must give out of our living. Sometimes a little bit given at the right time and in the right way, will make a huge difference. Sometimes we have more than we need and it makes sense for us to direct it to some other person or group. It’s all stewardship. We manage what we have, what we do, who we are and how we live so that what God wants and expects happens.
None of us knows what tomorrow will bring. Like the widow, we may find ourselves in dire circumstances. But for now, we can plan for work that is important to do. We can provide a welcome to those who are on the fringes. We can amplify the voices of those who are ignored. We can stand with those who insist that justice be done. We can challenge the systems that dehumanize and dismiss. But it starts with us thinking about the resources we have. I invite you to do that and then fill out a pledge card and bring/send it to church by November 13. Then we will express our gratitude to God for all the abundant gifts committed to this work, no matter how big or how small. Amen.
Pastor Dave
Death Announcement: It is with much sadness that we inform you of the death of Cliff Worstenholm, which occurred Sunday morning, October 30.
Visitation will be Thursday, November 17 from 12:00 to 7:00 p.m. and again on Friday, November 18 from 12:00 to 2:00 with the service following at 2:00. Swartz Funeral Home (1225 Hill Rd.) is in charge of arrangements.
In times of grief and sorrow, the presence of one’s community of faith is an indispensable source of comfort and strength. Please keep the Worstenholm family in your prayers and support them in whatever ways you feel are in alignment with your gifts and resources.
Pastor Dave
A resolution was passed at the Michigan Conference UCC’s annual gathering last month calling on churches and members to
1. Divest from fossil fuel companies and the financial institutions that support them (Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, Bank of America)
2. Participate in individual and collective action relating to climate change
3. Divest from the use of plastics, particularly single-use plastics
As you know, Peoples Church has already gone through the process of divesting from fossil fuel companies. Our delegate, church Moderator, Jamie Schmidt talked to the gathering about our board of directors’ experience with divesting. She spoke to encourage other churches which are considering this action.
Now we need conversations among our members to consider what we might do individually to support this resolution. Are you ready for this next step? I am. I know that “wrecking creation is a sin”. I know that simply recycling my junk mail is not enough. I know that America is addicted to oil, and it is time to call for a fast because the ICE CAPS ARE MELTING at an irreversible rate!!
Leslie Cummings, for The Creation/Justice Team
We have been privileged, with 41 children to provide Christmas gifts for this year. Starting November 6 we will have the age, gender and gift ideas for each child. Wrapped gifts are due back at church by Sunday December 4th. Suggested amount to spend per child is $35.
A couple of changes this year, children are listed as individuals and not grouped by families and each child has a number. Since we don't have "family" groups you may take as many children as you want. Make sure the child's number is on their gift tag and that their number is also on the outside of the bag the gift is in. Please do not use the children's names.
Thank you, Laura Eufinger
People's Church Fulfilled A Goal!
We asked for donations support medical debt relief for low income families in Michigan. You responded with typical Peoples (Woodside) generosity. You went far beyond our goal. $1,916.00 has been received and sent to The RIP Medial Debt relief. No more is needed.
We are now asking those who are able to contribute to our Ministers Discretionary Fund for emergency assistance in our community.
Thank you! Jay Cummings
Informational Links:
Nov. 5th Zoom Registration , Nov. 9th , Centering Africa at COP27 , The Equal Justice Initiative: Registration
Nov. 30th Climate Hope Cards Art Contest
Per the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, during a 12 month period (from April 2020 to April 2021) there was an estimated 100,306 drug overdose deaths within the United States. That’s an approximated 8,359 people per month, 2,090 people per week, 300 people per day and 2,006 people per each one of the 50 states (give or take a few people). (Source)
Now we could dive deep into the various reasons why someone would willingly use a substance that could potentially cause them to un-alive themselves but that’s a topic for another day. But what we can discuss today is what we could do to hopefully assist someone to come back from the brink of an overdose if we were to witness it. Please see the information provided by Jay Cummings below.
Narcan Training & Narcan Kit Acquisition
There are two options:
Genesee Health System provides in person group training. There is no cost. They have a minimum group size of 10 but can accommodate up to 50 people…Training are scheduled during the weekday. It is possible to schedule evenings but apparently requires all sorts of special approvals when training is outside of the scheduled work day. If you want to pursue this option, contact Sheila Rickman. Her desk phone is 810.496.5783 and her cell phone is 810.429.6279.
Families Against Narcotics (FAN) ( does online training. From the homepage, click on Programs, then Naloxone training. Individuals can register online for naloxone training dates/times that fit their schedule. Upon completion individuals are mailed a Narcan kit. At no cost. FAN is located in Macomb County and some sessions are limited to Macomb County residents.
Listed on the website there are currently two trainings on the schedule:
Saturday, Nov 12 at 11:00 a.m. Virtual Training Session Registration
FAN continuously adds new training dates to their calendar.
Of course you can always utilize both options!
Links are on the church calendar. Need more info? Just ask!
Adult Forum, 9:30 am Sundays, is presently in-between books. We will be reading various works of poetry until our next book has been chosen. Join us either in person at church or via Zoom .
Vigil for Racial Justice is still gathering 1-2 pm Thursdays on the Genesee Courthouse lawn.
New Text Alert System. We have shifted to a new text messaging service. If you're in our church directory, you're all set. If you're not, go here to sign up!