Joyfully Defiant for the Sake of a Just World
a congregation of the United Church of Christ, the Alliance of Baptists & the American Baptist Churches
“Dismiss all anxiety from your minds; instead, present your needs to God through prayer and petition, giving thanks for all circumstances. Then God’s own peace, which is beyond all understanding, will stand guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
(Philippians 4:6-7, The Inclusive Bible)
The idea of giving thanks to God goes way back. The earliest traditions of the Hebrew people refer to a thank offering as a category of sacrifice and ritual. Some of our favorite prayers, hymns, and devotional writing spring from the spiritual condition of being thankful. But I don’t think we should simply go from day to day until the thankfulness bubbles up from within. Our ancestors made clear that if you aren’t feeling thankful, you’ve got some spiritual work to do!
Almost 30 years ago, a small group in the church I was serving decided to do a small exercise between their monthly meetings. They agreed that each of them would take a few minutes as they were going to bed and take stock of the day. They would then write things down for which they were grateful. As the pastor, I could hardly bow out of the activity, which seemed a little simplistic to me. Our children were small, we were both working and our days were hectic. Bedtime for the adults in our household was more a matter of falling, exhausted, into our bed than a planned routine. But I dutifully kept a notebook on my nightstand and made notes as I went to bed, not really expecting anything earth-shattering to happen.
But after a week or so, I did notice something. I was sleeping better. I fell asleep quicker and slept deeper. My anxiety level was significantly lower and my mood was definitely better. By cultivating my thankfulness, I was more likely to see things positively and to relate to others a little more receptively. The next time the group met, everyone who participated in the exercise reported similar results.
I’ve been a part of many a Thanksgiving dinner where those gathered were asked to share something for which they were thankful. I do appreciate those comments, but we typically leap too quickly to feasting and forget what those around the table have said. Doing it at bedtime meant that I had nothing to distract me from thankfulness. I slept on it. It infiltrated my dreams and infused my spirit with peace. I encourage you to try this, although I now know it doesn’t work for everyone. You may have to adapt it to a different time of day or connect it to a different part of your routine (lunch, for instance, or exercise time.) And who knows? When it’s your turn to say what you’re thankful for, you might have some really interesting things to say! Amen. Happy Thanksgiving!
Pastor Davis Sickelka, Interim Pastor
Get Involved, Legislative Action Is Needed!
Hold Polluters Accountable:
Michigan House Bill 4313 and Senate Bill 58 will allow our state environmental protection agencies and ordinary citizens to hold corporate polluters accountable for cleaning up spills, abandoned sites, and thereby protecting waterways, soil and aquifers.
Until 1995, Michigan had the strongest “polluter pay” law in the country! Since then, the burden of cleanup has shifted to the state and taxpayers. (See Lockhart Chemical spill in Flint River below.)
Contact your state legislators to support these bills! To find your state representative and state senator, google, ”Find Your Elected Officials”. Also you can google, “Sierra Add-Up Campaign: Make Mich. Polluters Pay”. You only need to fill in the blanks of your name, etc. and click on an already written email.
Lockhart Chemical Spill in Flint River:
On June 15th there was a chemical spill by the Lockhart Chemical Company. It was discovered near the Flint Drinking Water Treatment Plant where chemical waste was escaping from the storm drain. 20,000 gallons of waste has since spilled into the Flint River. There is still a “No Contact” order downstream of Stepping Stone Falls to Leith Street, and a “Do Non Consume Fish” order for the entire river in Genesee County downstream of Stepping Stone Falls.
Lockhart continued to use their leaky storage system until the Michigan Dept. of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) blocked its use on September 19th. To make matters worse, Lockhart has also filed bankruptcy to avoid responsibility for environmental clean-up and paying damages to the city of Flint and EGLE who are among those who paid for the clean-up. Sixty creditors are listed in the ensuing lawsuit. This came as a blow to the Flint River Watershed Coalition who has worked for decades to monitor and restore the health of the river. This is just one example of why we need to support the “Polluter Pay” legislation.
Leslie Cummings, for The Creation/Justice Team
What A Wondrous Variety
The Search Committee is in the process of reviewing applications we have received, some of them already from a few months ago when we were still in the process of developing our profile, others that have arrived within the past weeks. It is an exciting, challenging task to be sure! Even at the beginning of this review process we are amazed at the wondrous variety of talented and dedicated people whose paths have intersected with Peoples Church, even if just by way of a resume. Please remember that your part in this process is vital--we rely on your prayers for the Spirit's leading, that we will find a fit for Peoples Church; perhaps someone who will stretch us and encourage us to grow, someone who will strengthen us while broadening our vision, or someone who may bring us to a path we have yet to imagine.
Carla Pierik, Search Committee Chair
All the children have been adopted to receive gifts for Christmas. Great job Peoples, People! Please make sure to drop-off your wrapped/bagged gifts with the child’s gift number (not name) to the church by or on Sunday, December 4th.
Thank you, Laura Eufinger
Both the American Baptist Church and the United Church of Christ remember their retired clergy with special offerings in December. The American Baptists collect on Dec. 1 (and include missionaries among those for whom assistance is sought), and the United Church of Christ recommends an offering date of December 18 for their “Christmas Fund” or “Veterans of the Cross” special offering. Many retired clergy began their ministries in the days when salaries were low and benefits were meager. These offerings help retired clergy and clergy with low incomes to make ends meet, especially important during the holidays. Please consider sharing something to help make life easier for those who have served faithfully in the church.
Go to or to learn more and to donate.
Links are on the church calendar. Need more info? Just ask!
Adult Forum, 9:30 am Sundays, is presently in-between books. We will be reading various works of poetry until our next book has been chosen. Join us either in person at church or via Zoom .
Vigil for Racial Justice is still gathering 1-2 pm Thursdays on the Genesee Courthouse lawn.
New Text Alert System. We have shifted to a new text messaging service. If you're in our church directory, you're all set. If you're not, go here to sign up!